Volume Calculation of Area for Reservoir Analysis using Grass

Scott Madry madry at swamp.rutgers.edu
Fri Dec 10 15:06:24 EST 1993

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> *                                  .                                   *
> *                                 .|.                                  *
> *                                 -*-                                  *
> *   Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise!       '|`           _    Happy New Year!   *
> *   Frohliche Weihnachten!        *:*          ("D     Chag Sameach!   *
> *   Sarbatori Fericite!          * . *        ~(=r      Boas Festas!   *
> *   Joyous Solstice!            **   **    .../__\       Gut Yontif!   *
> *   Mele Kurisumasu!          *** o   ***    [ SM ]      Iyi YIllar!   *
> *   Mele Kalikimaka!           *\    O *             Wesolych Swiat!   *
> *   Merry Christmas!          ** \\    **            Velelykh Svyat!   *
> *   Happy Hanukkah!         ***    \\   ***        Stastny Novy Rok!   *
> *   Pari Dzounount!          * o     \\  *        Kelemes Unnepeket!   *
> *   Happy Holidays!         **    O    \\**      Season's Greetings!   *
> *   Veseli Vanoce!        ***\\       o  \***     Gung Hay Fat Choy!   *
> *   Feliz Navidad!         *   \\  o       *      Felican Jarfinon!   *
> *   Joyeux Noel!          **  o  \\    O   **       Joy to the World   *
> *   Bom Natal!         ****        \\     o ****      - And to All a   *
> *   God Jul!             ** o     o  \\ o   **           Good Night!   *
> *   Cheers!            ***     O       \\    ***                       *
> *   *:D       o_     *****************************      e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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> ************************************************************************
>   (From  Ascii-Xmas scenei, by Mike Jittlov jittlov at gumby.cs.caltech.edu)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>            *   .        May All Your Dreams and Wishes Come True !
>  (   .   *      .  0
>       	*     .  .    Scott Madry  /  madry at ocean.rutgers.edu
>  ..	.      ..   .	      Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis
>    .       .:    .          Box 231 Cook, Rutgers University
>      /\	        .     New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231 USA
>   /\/  \/\  *	   ..
>  / /\  /\ \      .  	   Tel.: (908) 932-9631
> /    \/    \> *   *>     Fax.: (908) 932-8644       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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