Andrea Giacomelli andreag at
Wed Dec 15 17:53:26 EST 1993

Hi, I would like to no if anybody out there has already worked
with ERS-1 data in CEOS format on GRASS. Any advice is welcome,
including that of jumping out of the window because the task is
too desperate...

I have some documentation:
ESA-ERS-1 Product Specification         (esa sp-1149)
Earthnet ERS-1 annex D, ERS-1 SAR.PRI product (er-is-epo-gs-0506.4)

The latter should contain all the info that is needed to start
working on the data (except that the last five pages are missing...
Murphy's law strikes again), but still I think it is always better
to hear what the others have to say, before diving into a 130 Mb

Thanks to all those who replied to my HP laserjet problem.
I hope, in the future, to be able to contribute to the list doing more
of the answering, rather than the asking...gimme time, I'm working on it

					Andrea Giacomelli
					andreag at
					DIIAR - Politecnico di Milano (I)

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