USGS Landuse/Landcover data and documentation --> Where is it available?

Michael Rose michael.rose at
Fri Dec 17 16:37:48 EST 1993

To the GIS community:

*  Please excuse any duplicate email postings that you receive.     *
*  This request for info is being posted to GIS-L, ESRI-L, GRASSU.  *

I am interested in the USGS Landuse/Landcover data and documentation
for the state of Florida.  Where can I obtain this information and 
the appropriate documentation?  I am also interested in any articles/
papers/research projects that have used this data.  If you could help
me out, I certainly would appreciate your assistance.

      {FYI: We are using ARC/INFO on SUN SPARC workstations.}

Many Thanks,

Michael Rose                            |  (407) 687-6342 voice
South Florida Water Management District |  (407) 687-6442 FAX1
3301 Gun Club Road                      |  (407) 687-6436 FAX2
West Palm Beach, Florida, USA 
located at 26 42 54 NORTH  80 03 13 WEST

michael.rose at                      

     "If data is the fuel of GIS, then we have a fuel crisis."

                                 -Michael Wolf
                                  Mon, 28 Jun 1993 17:45:47 BST

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