tmerc-coordinate system

Gerald I. Evenden gie at
Thu Dec 23 23:09:18 EST 1993

>To: grassu-list at
>Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1993 09:36:11 +0100 (MET)
>> Hello!
>> I like to know if or how it is possible to define
>> a new location with transverse-Mercator coordinate system.
>> Merry Christmas to all!
>> Rolf Krell
>> krell at
>Hi Rolf,
>Seems like I had that same problem about two years ago; I understand that
>you want to have a mapset in Gauss-Krueger coordinate system. The only
>existing GRASS4.0 program that I am aware of that helps you with this is the
>m.setproj program (originally derived from mapgen's proj). Among others
>it offers the possibility to define 'tmerc' as a projection. After that
>you'll have to choose the spheroid, central meridian and standard
>parallel of the projection. I never managed to figure these parameters out for
>Germany, by the way.

I suspect you will have to contact the appropriate German governmental
agency that maintains its geodetic surveying standards.  At the moment,
this information is not common knowledge on this side of the pond.

>                      This program apparently only is working if
>you have mapgen installed (it's not in the Grass4.1 release!). I'm not
>sure how things work in 4.1 - there now is a category 99 (Other) when you
>specify your mapset for the first time, and I do hope that this Other
>category takes its information from the PROJ_INFO file that m.setproj
>used to create. Well, at least we can be happy that our American friends have
>discovered that there's more in the world than UTM and State Plane...

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