calculating vertical distance to water

Jianping Xu jianp at
Mon Feb 15 17:03:02 EST 1993

> I would like to calculate the minimum vertical distance to nearest
> water for a series of archaeological sites. I have the site list, 
> elevation data and a hydrology net, but can't seem to figure out
> how to make the actual calculation...
> I'd appreciate any suggestions... Thanks, bjr
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Bret James Ruby			         Voice:        (812) 855-9544
> Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology   Fax:        (812) 855-1864
> 9th and Fess Streets	                Bitnet:         bruby at indiana
> Bloomington, IN   47405		      Internet:     bruby at
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     Here at Rutgers we are working on a GRASS site analysis program
for querying information about the nearest targets from the 
given sites, including horizontal and vertical distances from a site 
to its nearest target, the ratio of the two, etc. This module will be
useful for determining nearest source of water to archaeological sites 
and their vertical and horizontal distances. 
     We are interested in what data layer format (raster, site, or 
whatever) you and other potential users would like to use as input/output 
in such a program.  

Jianping Xu (jianp at, Scott Madry (madry at
Cook College Remote Sensing Center
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231

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