r.le programs
BAKERWL at corral.uwyo.edu
Thu Feb 25 22:12:02 EST 1993
The silence is deafening...I would appreciate any word from those of you
who have tried to download the rle.tar.Z file from grass/incoming and
have tried to compile these programs. Please send a brief mail message
to me indicating your success or failure at:
1. downloading and uncompressing the rle.tar.Z
2. compiling the source code (please indicate which machine)
3. printing the Wordperfect documentation and/or postscript
4. running any of the r.le programs (which machine)
So far I have only heard that there are compilation problems on an
Apollo machine, but no word on successful compilation anywhere. I would
appreciate any comments. Thank you.
W. Baker (bakerwl at corral.uwyo.edu)
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