
Brian Connelly bac at u.washington.edu
Fri Feb 26 17:12:20 EST 1993


I am importing ascii vector files into GRASS
and for some of the files I get warning messages

WARNING:  area 3959 label:  255312 matched another label: 255317
PNT_TO_AREA failed:  (easting, northing)  (Category 255100).

One file in particular has many such messages and I
would like to find out exactly what they mean so I can
fix them if possible.

Can anyone shed some light on what these messages mean
or direct me to a source of information?

Thank you,


Brian Connelly
College of Forest Resources                  phone:  (206) 543-5506
University of Washington  AR-10                FAX:  (206) 685-3091
Seattle, Washington  98195                  e-mail:  bac at hardy.u.washington.edu

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