problem with r.water.fea

xavier at xavier at
Mon Feb 22 11:21:14 EST 1993


I'm trying to compile r.water.fea in an IBM/Risc6000 where is installed
Grass4.1. In order to do it I placed the source code of this program 
under "$GISBASE/source/Incoming/R.water". There, I typed "gmake4.1
 ./src". There apearred to be no problem during the compiling process. 
The compilation did not create anything in the directory "$GISBASE/bin".
Instead, in "$GISBASE/etc" was built a new directory called "r.fea". It
contained six executable files called: "", "datafea", "",
"querydata", "select_basins" and "". I made a cat of all them in 
different orders. With no of them I was able to run r.water.fea as I expected 
after having read the tutorial.
The main problem I have trying to run these files are the next:
In "", when it asks for a slope raster map name it always crashes and
writes "Fatal error - File opening".
"", after asking the same as before only accepts slope files of an
unknown (at least for me) slope files list.
I feel I'm missing something.
What is it??
Thanks in advance.
					Xavier Ros
				Dept. de Geologia
				U. Geodinamica Externa i Hidrogeologia
				Universitat Autonoma Barcelona
				e-mail: xavier at

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