where is i.texture?

Kenneth R. Brownfield brownfld at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Mon Jan 11 18:31:32 EST 1993

Bruce K. Wylie said:
|Subject: where is i.texture?
|	Darrel McCauley in his message to grassu on Aug 26
|stated that i.texture would be on the moon on the incoming directory.
|Last evening I was unable to find it on the moon. Where is
|i.texture located???

     I've placed i.texture temporarily on the moon's incoming directory.
It should be released with 4.1, so there should be no great need to keep
it there for long.

|Bruce Wylie
                                                brownfld at cecer.army.mil
Kenneth R. Brownfield                    grass-lists-owner at moon.cecer.army.mil
Office of GRASS Integration,              grass-ftp-admin at moon.cecer.army.mil
United States Army Corps of Engineers           (217) 352-6511 ext. 526
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories    (217) 373-7222 <fax>
                                                  (800) USA-CERL <OGI>

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