Info. about NEWSPrinter CL+ Color Printer

Paul Loechl loechl at
Thu Jul 8 12:33:36 EDT 1993

In an E-mail message, tps wrote:
> Grass Users:
>       Is someone using a NEWSPrinter CL+ Color Printer from Sun. If so, I
> would appreciate any information, comments about it's performance. Are
> there any problems with using this printer for printing raster images?.
> Thanks.
> Subramanian
> MPRG, Virginia Tech.
> Internet: tps at

There is info about this printer in the July issue of SunWorld including price.

Or you can call Sun Pix at (415)960-1300.

Paul Loechl					loechl at
USA CERL					(217)352-6511x668

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