Connecting Altek AC-31 tablet

Malcolm Williamson malcolm at
Wed Jul 14 10:05:40 EDT 1993

There was considerable conversation on this very topic last week! This is a copy
of the settings that we use under GRASS4.1. I believe that we were using the 
same dipswitch settings with the older Altek driver under GRASS4.0. If you have further questions, please mail to me directly.

> Here are the dip switch settings that we are using for a couple of Altek AC31
> digitizer controllers:
> 	 S1		 S2		 S3		 S4
> 	0 1		0 1		0 1		0 1
> 1	x		x		  x		  x
> 2	x 		x		x		  x
> 3	x		x		  x		  x
> 4	x		x		  x		x
> 5	x		  x		  x		x
> 6	  x		x		x		x
> 7	x		x		x		  x
> 8	x		x		x		  x
> We are using the al30f8_16 digitizer driver in our digcap file.
> This setup works for us on a Sun IPC and a Sun Sparc 1+. Good luck!

Malcolm D. Williamson - Research Assistant       E-mail: malcolm at
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-6159
Ozark Rm. 12                                        Fax: (501) 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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