Andrew Hertz hertz at geog.psu.edu
Fri Jul 16 16:56:50 EDT 1993

Greetings future XGRASSers,

> Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: osfHelp
> Warning: ... found while parsing '       <Key>osfHelp:
ManagerGadgetHelp() '
> etc
> I received several suggestions to copy /usr/openwin/lib/XKeysymDB to
> /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB.
> There was not an "X11" directory in /usr/lib so I created one and
> the XKeysymDB file to it, but I am still getting the same errors.
> One suggestion was that I set my path to find the Motif libraries
> but I don't have Motif. I was told that Motif is only needed to
> XGRASS, not to run it. That's the reason I pulled down the binary
> instead of the source code. Is this correct?
> Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Brent Stinson
> brent at mishell.usda.msu.edu

My understanding is that the openwindows XKeysymDB will not work, you
want the OSFmotif key mappings.  I used the XKeysymDB that's in the
xgrass source directories ($GIS/src/xgrass).  If you've only downloaded
the binaries, I've put a copy of the XKeysymDB in grass/incoming at
max.cecer.army.mil.  I believe this file MUST be placed in
/usr/lib/X11 because the static binaries have Motif embedded within
them and they are looking explicitly for /usr/lib/X11/XKeysymDB.
(You can check this by issuing the command:
 strings xg* | grep XKeysymDB
in the directory where the xgrass binary executables reside.)
Changing your path won't help you in this case.

I hope this helps...

Andrew Hertz
hertz at geog.psu.edu

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