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Net.Noise owner news at
Sat Jul 17 15:40:21 EDT 1993

Newsgroups: info.grass.user
From: burnett at (Andy Burnett)
Subject: GRASS4.1 linux binaries now available
Message-ID: <CABqn5.A1s at>
Keywords: GRASS4.1, linux
Sender: news at (Net.Noise owner)
Organization: US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engineering Research Labs
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1993 19:40:15 GMT
Lines: 43

I now have GRASS4.1 binaries available via anonymous ftp.  Here's the
system they were compiled on:
	Linux 0.99pl10
	lib 4.4.1
	gcc 2.4.3

  They are available from ( (my linux
machine).  I'm am working on a statically linked version as I am mailing
this out ... the statically linked version should be at the ftp site on
Monday.  Here's the README.linux file for the binaries, let me know if you
have any questions/problems/comments.

How to install these files:
  When you unpack these files (linuxa*), they will unpack into a driectory
called linux.  This directory will then become your $GISBASE.  You will
need 22MB to hold these binaries.

  Step 1:
	Decide on which directory you want to unpack the binaries in.  In the
	directions below, this directory will be the <Install Dir>.
  Step 2:
	issue the following command:
	cat linuxa? | zcat | (cd <Insatll Dir>; tar xvf -)
  Step 3:
	edit the file <Install Dir>/edit_me/grass4.1.  Change the GISBASE=
	line to be GISBASE=<Install Dir>/linux
  Step 4:
	move the file <Install Dir>/edit_me/grass4.1 to a directory where
	your users will have access to it.  I put mine in /usr/local/bin.

  And away you go.  I'd like some feedback if you use these binaries.  Let me
know if you have any problems running GRASS4.1, if you have any problems 
setting it up, if you actually get it running, etc.  My e-mail address is:
	burnett at

			&y (Andy) Burnett

Andy Burnett                --  burnett at
US Army Corps of Engineers  --  Construction Engineering Research Lab

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