r.le release 2.05 is available on the ftp server
BAKERWL at corral.uwyo.edu
Fri Jul 23 19:47:41 EDT 1993
I have just sent Version 2.05 beta of the r.le programs to the ftp server
on the grass/incoming directory. The r.le programs are a set of 8 programs
for calculating traditional measures of landscape structure (e.g., patch
size, shape, diversity, fractal dimension) using GRASS.
Version 2.05 is primarily a maintenance release to fix about 30 known
bugs, including a bug in the handling of islands and intersecting polygons
that affected r.le.patch, a bug in the memory handling that prevented the
programs from working with maps containing more than about 400 patches, a
bug in the tracing of polygons that occasionally produced spurious 1 pixel
patches, and a bug that prevented r.le.patch from working with sam=R (to
sample by regions). There is one new feature that allows measurements for
individual patches to be saved into a file.
There are 3 files on the incoming directory. rle205README contains more
information about the release. rle205src.tar.Z is a compressed tar file
containing the source code for release 2.05 beta. rle205exe.tar.Z is a
compressed tar file containing SunOS 4.1.3 executables for the 8 r.le
programs. New documentation is in both rle205src.tar.Z and rle205exe.tar.Z
The programs are still "beta" because the bug fixes required substantial
rewriting and new code. This version has not been tested yet under GRASS
4.1. I cannot do this until a failed hard disk here is replaced. I
anticipate a "final" release of Version 2.1 of the r.le programs fully
tested under 4.1 as soon as possible. I would appreciate any and all of
you assisting with the beta test. Please send bug reports and problems to
Bill Baker
bakerwl at corral.uwyo.edu
Univ. of Wyoming
Dept. of Geography
Laramie, WY 82071
P.S. The code on the ftp server is "replacement" code. There are too many
changes from Version 2.0 to allow simple patches. Good luck!
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