How to mosaic TM images in GRASS?

Simon Cox simon at
Fri Jul 30 16:11:24 EDT 1993


I would suggest rectifying before patching, since the two scenes may
have different distortions which should be removed first so that
the overlap will co-register.  Rectifying is straightforward if you
use i.rectify.  You import the data as an x-y set initially, then
run to gather the different bands together so that they
are rectified as a group, run to select the target (utm)
location, then run i.points to select the registration
points, then i.rectify to move the data from the x-y location to the
utm location.  After rectification, use r.patch for each of the bands.

I've never done this for imagery, only rasters, which were imported as
a single band image before rectification, but I think this sequence is

Good luck

Simon Cox
				Dr Simon Cox
         __  L				
      ,~'  L_|\            	Department of Earth Sciences       
   ,-'         \         	Monash University    
   (            \		Clayton  Vic  3168  Australia
   \    ___     /	
    L,~'   "\_x/		Phone +61 3 565 5762
              u   		Fax   +61 3 565 5062
				simon at

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