4.1beta under IRIX 3.X: questions

Neel Smith nsmith at polar.bowdoin.edu
Wed Mar 3 11:45:43 EST 1993

I've compiled GRASS 4.1beta on a Silicon Graphics machine
running version 3 of IRIX.  Everything makes just fine,
and just about everything runs fine, but two problems
I can't track down:

1)  s.surf.tps starts off just fine, then core dumps 
without warning.

2)  SG3d works wonderfully, except that the "new vect path"
panel causes a core dump.  Again, no warning, no 

I have started (gently) poking around for the problem, but
have no clues yet.  Has any one seen anything similar?

Thanks in advance.

Neel Smith
nsmith at polar.bowdoin.edu

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