Rooms Reservations for GRASS Conference

Doug Brooks brooks at
Wed Mar 10 10:52:28 EST 1993

If you call the Hyatt to make reservations you will be turned
away because they are full but we have several rooms reserved
that you can still get by calling Pam Cashman at 617-353-5642.

Also if you have a room reserved that you won't be using, please
call Pam first before you call the hotel to cancel it.  She will
try to assign it to someone else.  Be certain to remove your 
guarantee from it however, if you have it guaranteed on your 
credit card.


++  Doug Brooks                     ++  Internet Address:             ++
++  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers    ++  brooks at         ++
++  Champaign, IL                   ++  Phone: (217) 373-4433         ++

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