GRASS4 on Cray YML?

Duane F Marble dmarble at
Thu Mar 25 05:33:22 EST 1993

Running GRASS, or any GIS for that matter, on a Cray is not a very
useful notion. The Cray is not just a faster processor, it is a
different machine architecture with multiple processors. The entire
code would have to be redesigned to take advantage of this. I really
don't think you want to contemplate this! Could you run it "as is?"
Yes, but it would not run very well (compared to what it could do) and
you would be making poor use of the cycles available on the Cray.

Those interested might want to look at:

Sandhu, Jay and Duane Marble. "An Investigation into the Utility of
  the Cray X-MP Supercomputer for Handling Spatial Data," in Proceedings,
  Third International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 1988.
Duane F. Marble              E-mail: dmarble at
Department of Geography      Telephone: (614) 292-2250
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio 43210         Fax: (614) 292-6213

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