d.leg.thin in GRASS 4.0

Bill Brown brown at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Thu May 6 18:20:47 EDT 1993

For those of you running GRASS 4.0 who downloaded d.leg.thin, I
only compiled & tested it in GRASS 4.1. 

To compile it in GRASS 4.0, change the following line in main.c

opt2->options = D_color_list();

to this:

opt2->options = "red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet,brown,gray,white,black";

D_color_list is a convenience function that currently returns the above
string.  I know the program will compile OK with gmake4.0 using the above
substitution, but I can't test it because we aren't running 4.0 anymore.


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