
Christine Weiss cmw at nycparks.gov
Mon May 10 13:36:25 EDT 1993

Hello GRASS Users,

As  part of a demo, I'm screendumping my maps, with legends, titles, etc., to pull up quickly into a shell script.


I'm p.mapping my maps to the graphics monitor so that I can display patterns, as opposed to just colors on my raster maps.  In a different frame, I'm displaying the legend.  However, I was wondering if anyone knows of an *easy* way to display the patterns in the legend, as opposed to just the colors.  I can think of a couple long-round-about ways, which I would like to avoid trying, if necessary.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


Christine Weiss				
NYC Dept. Parks & Recreation
Natural Resources Group
cmw at nycparks.gov
(212) 360-2749

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