location analysis

Tom Hobbs nthobbs at ariel.DOWFC.ColoState.EDU
Mon May 10 15:57:19 EDT 1993

>	Grass-users -
>		Does anybody out there know of any location/allocation
>		analysis that has been done in Grass or other raster
>	GIS? I know that traditionally location analysis is done on
>	vector networks, but I am interested in finding out if it
>	possible to work on problems like "find shortest distance to
>	and from" in GRASS.
>		Any responses would be appreciated!
>	meh at geog.buffalo.edu

I am also interested in this type of analysis.  In particular, I 
need to know the minimum distance among a set of locations 
given a fixed starting point and an open end point. (a.k.a.--open
loop traveling salesman problem).

Tom Hobbs    <nthobbs at ariel.dowfc.colostate.edu>

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