Points within polygons

0000-Admin0000 root at finwagon.engr.arizona.edu
Wed May 12 13:30:45 EDT 1993

Hi, I'm a new GRASS user and would appreciate any suggestions as to how I
can accomplish a task I'm working on. I am running GRASS 4.0.  I have an area
with several variables measured at each point of a coarse grid across the area.
I also have a DXF file of polygon boundaries in the area which I have imported
as a GRASS vector file. I need to know which grid points fall within the
boundaries of the polygons and the values of the variables at the grid points
within each polygon. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can 
accomplish this? In addition, I would like to develop statistics on each 
variable for each polygon.  I do not have a Fortran compiler and so can not 
use the RIM RDMS.  I realize that I will have to use an outside program to calculate the statistics, but if it is possible to write files with the variable
values for each polygon, the statistical analysis can be easily accomplished.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Joe Marlow

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