GRass4.1 compilation problem

Agustin Lobo lobo at Jasper.Stanford.EDU
Fri May 14 13:20:49 EDT 1993

> From grass-lists-owner at Thu May 13 19:28:20 1993
> Date: Thu, 13 May 1993 21:16:46 -0500
> From: "Net.Noise owner" <news at>
> Sender: lists-owner at
> Reply-To: grassu-list at
> Subject: RE: GRass4.1 compilation problem
> To: info-grass-user at
> Content-Length: 810
> Newsgroups: info.grass.user
> Path:!parghi
> From: parghi at (Amit Parghi)
> Subject: Re: Grass4.1 compilation problem
> Message-ID: <C6zvnu.3JD at>
> Sender: news at (Net.Noise owner)
> Organization: Office of GRASS Integration, USA-CERL, Champaign, Illinois
> References: <9305132346.AA03292 at Jasper.Stanford.EDU>
> Date: Fri, 14 May 1993 02:16:42 GMT
> Lines: 12
> lobo at Jasper.Stanford.EDU (Agustin Lobo) writes:
> > When running GISGEN.sun4 I've got the following:
> >	Can't find include file machine/setjmp.h
> >	(when trying to compile connect.c)
> > Where should I have this include file? 
> Odd.  /usr/include/machine/setjmp.h ought to be there.  Check if it is in
> fact there on your system.  If not, contact your friendly local system
> administrator.
> Amit
I do have /usr/include/machine (as a symbolic link -> ../kvm/machine) and 
Note that the error says "Can't find include file machine/setjmp.h". Is there
any way to get the compiler look for it as /usr/include/setjmp.h ?

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