Xwindows and GRASS4.1 problem

G. DUDLEY - GEOGRAPHY gdudley at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 19 21:48:40 EDT 1993

I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has encountered a 
similar problem and how they got around it.

I am running GRASS 4.1 on a DECstation 5000/125 running Ultrix 4.2 and
Motif 1.1.  I am able to open a graphics window with "d.mon start=x0" and
everything seems to work fine.  I am able to display to this window using
d.rast, d.vect, etc.  However, when I move the mouse into the window, it
dies immediately and "d.mon -L" indicates that the monitor is no longer

Any assistance would be most appreciated.


Graham Dudley                             gdudley at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Department of Geography               
University of Waterloo                    
N2L 3G1

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