(COPY) Undelivered mail

Fri May 21 11:52:00 EDT 1993

Mark Palmer writes:

<I'm compiling grass4.1beta and having <problems with the xgrass
<stage.  The sys tem is sun os 4.1.2, <under OW3.0, also with
<X11R5 and Motif 1.2.  I get the following messages
<"/usr/include/X11/Xm/Xm.h", line 1385:  syntax error at or near
<variable name "XmImGetXIM"
<"/usr/include/X11/Xm/Xm.h", line 1385:  unknown size
<*** Error code 1
<make:  Fatal error:  Command failed for targen `OBJ.sun4/abwcolr.o'
<Current working directory /chardonnay/markp/GRASS/src/xgrass/libes/Xgd
<*** Error code 1
<make:  Fatal error:  Command failed for target `all'

I have run into the identical problem trying to compile xgrass
in the grass 4.1 release.  In further correspondence with Mark,
he seemed to solve the problem by using the older (1.1) Motif

We have just realized we needed to purchase Motif to run xgrass
and of course purchased the newest version (1.2).  Does anyone
know of a way to solve this problem with the 1.2 Motif
libraries.  We are also running SUN OS 4.1.2 and OW 3.0.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Hough
Oklahoma Biological Survey

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