mike camann camann at
Sun May 23 11:57:39 EDT 1993


	I have not been able to print either the GRASS 4.1 reference
	manual or the programming manual-- the files are too big for
	our printer and or printserver:

pick2/usr3/camann[7] lpr -P4 /home3/labnet/grass4.1/doc/
lpr: /home3/labnet/grass4.1/doc/ copy file is too large

pick2/usr3/camann[8] lpr -P4 /home3/labnet/grass4.1/doc/
lpr: /home3/labnet/grass4.1/doc/ copy file is too large

These postscript files are 7.4 and 3.5 megabytes, respectively!  Before
I attempt the laborious process of editting these files by hand, has
anyone else already broken them up?  Perhaps the folks at CERL could
post them in 1 meg or so chunks?


			Mike Camann

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