tiger file

Nancy Greeley ngreeley at hanover-crrel.army.mil
Tue May 25 14:11:27 EDT 1993

There are a number of tiger-related grass commands you can use to load
tiger data into a grass database.  They were contributed by CWU, and 
are probably under src.contrib on the moon ftp site.  A tutorial is 
also available called GRASS TIGER and STF1 Tutorial, by J. Hinthorne, 
GIS Lab, Central Washington University.  I don't know where that is
to be found.

The commands they developed include: extract.line and  v.in.tiger12
which import the TIGER data to make GRASS4.0 vector maps and s.in.sft1
to integrate STF1 files with 
the TIGER-based vector maps.

Good luck!

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