Advancing the Capabilities of GIS (Call for Papers)
Darrell McCauley
mccauley at
Wed Sep 1 18:20:11 EDT 1993
Call for Papers: "Advancing the Capabilities of GIS"
(Proposals due 20 October 1993)
A Session at
"Engineering for Sustainable Development"
1994 International Summer Meeting of the Am Soc of Agricultural Engrs
(joint with Irrigation and Drainage Groups of ASCE)
19-22 June 1994, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
This session is geared toward those involved in software development
for geographic information systems. Developers (commercial and
research) are urged to take advantage of this opportunity.
Papers are solicited on the following topics of GIS development:
statistical enhancements, spatial interpolation, improved querying
capabilities, general modeling interfaces, and any other extensions or
modifications which advance the capabilities of GIS. Novel
applications (e.g., specific model/gis links) may be acceptable, but
the emphasis will be on general improvements and new capabilities that
are of wide spread interest.
Presentation Proposal Forms (see below) are due 20 October 1993.
Send them to: James Darrell McCauley
Dept of Agricultural Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146
FAX: 317.496.1555
Notification of acceptance will be in Februrary 1994.
Those presenters who are accepted will be encouraged to prepare papers
for distribution in the ASAE paper room at the meeting.
A full Call for Papers may be obtained from ASAE, 2950 Niles Rd,
St Joseph MI 49085-9659 USA, tel: 616.429.0300, fax: 616.429.3852.
This is but one of 85-100 sessions at this meeting. Another session
that may be of interest to GIS audiences is:
"When Expert Systems Intersect GIS"
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1994 International Summer Meeting Presentation Proposal Form
19-22 June 1994, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
This form must be received (with your signature) by 20 October 1993.
Please type all information.
1. Presentation title (3 to 8 words):
2. Abstract: In this space provide a summary describing what your proposed
paper will cover, the results expected, and the importance of this work
to the general public (no attachments please - keep this whole thing to
1 page).
3. Key words (up to 5, none of which appear in title):
4. Complete name, address, telephone number and ASAE number (if a member)
of person making presentation. NOTE: ONLY THE PRESENTER WILL RECEIVE
Fax number and email address, if available, are encouraged.
5. Biographical Data:
6. Co-authors (list by name only):
7. Has this material been presented elsewhere? If so, where?
8. Printed paper availability: will/will not be available for distribution.
Type of presentation method: Lecture, One-on-one display, Either
9. Is this a progress report or a report on a completed project?
10. Will your presentation include recommendations for revisions of any
ASAE Standard or for the development of new Standards?
11. Name of session for which this proposal is intended:
Advancing the Capabilities of GIS
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