r.drain command

Olga Waupotitsch olga at zorro.cecer.army.mil
Thu Sep 2 13:58:03 EDT 1993

In info.grass.user you write:

>1.I need coordinates be read of a file. How can I do?

>2. I need so many points can be input, but GUGS section say me "Currently, r.drain will not
>   actually provide output for more than one pair of input coordinates stated on the
>   command line".
>   How can I solve it? What about grass4.1 "r.drain" version?


>   Antonio Munoz Rastrero

It is true that in 4.1 release d.drain did not accept more than one pair
of coordinates from command line or from file.
How ever I fixed it for the update number 1, so If you have installed 
update 1, ignore what the manual says. Now you can provide the coordinates 
in a raster file (as described in a manual) and give more that one pair
of coordinates on the command line.
Hope this helps!

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