IGU Regional Conference 1994

Jiri Dlouhy CUKINF%CSEARN.BITNET at UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
Fri Sep 3 19:07:42 EDT 1993

          Conference of the International Geographic Union
          Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 26 August 1993

               At the 1988 Sydney IGU Congress Czech and Slovak geographers
          officially announced for  the first time  their interest to  host
          the 1994 Regional Conference  in Prague. From a Central  European
          point  of   view,  1988  is   pre-history:  so  much   has  since
          dramatically changed here,  including the very geography  of this
          small part of the globe.
               When the Conference  first preparatory steps were  taken, we
          were still  living behind  the "Iron  Curtain" in the  communist-
          ruled Czechoslovak Federation. But very  soon, in 1989, the cold-
          war two-bloc schema in Europe collapsed and we witnessed the "big
          bang"  which   triggered  substantial   transformation  processes
          penetrating all spheres  of our life, affecting  every individual
          of  this region  and probably  all  mankind. Being  part of  this
          fascinating  stage,  we  witnessed  the  emergence  of  many  new
          sovereign  states in  our region  (not to  mention the  Czech and
          Slovak  Republics themselves), felt  rising hopes of  millions of
          people, but also  severe problems which  had ripened beneath  the
          crust of totalitarian systems and  were now surfacing by means of
          often merciless outbursts.
               These  problems are  our Conference focus  and we  intend to
          provide you  with an  opportunity to discuss  them "right  on the
          spot".  Moreover,  we  are  determined to  give  you  during  the
          excursions and other  accompanying events a  genuine view of  the
          region:  our enchanting capital, Prague, our countryside with all
          its  beauties but also problems, border regions with their bitter
          legacy and new prospects, and finally, the most remarkable places
          of all Central Europe. After all, this will be a Central European
               In  inviting you  to take  part in  the 1994  Conference, we
          simply  hope to  facilitate  your  aspirations  to  explore  this
          dynamic part of the World - an open-air laboratory for studying a
          number of  great geographic  and environmental  themes. Come  and
          see. You are most welcome.

          *About the Conference*
               _The  1994  IGU   Regional  Conference  will  be   hosted  by_
          _Charles  University of Prague  (the oldest University  in Central_
          _Czech  Republic,   and  organized  in   cooperation  with   other_
          _Central European countries._
               _The Conference  aims at  covering a  very broad spectrum  of_
          _both  scientific  and  applied issues,  focusing  on  the Central_
          _European  region. The  program of  the  Conference is  structured_
          _into   six   streams,  addressing   major   contemporary  issues;_
          _streams  are   further  divided   into  a   number  of   thematic_
          _sessions,  main   building  elements  of   the  programme.   Four_
          _Plenary Sessions  will introduce  the Conference  main topics  as_
               _The  scientific programme will  be complemented by  a series_
          _of  accompanying activities  which will  foster an  exchange of_
          _views  between  politicians, officials,  business  leaders  and_
          _representatives of  non-governmental organisations on one  hand_


          *Plenary Sessions*
                         ECONOMY AND SOCIETY
                         GEOGRAPHERS           PLENARY IV:    COMMON RESPONSIBIL

          *Thematic Sessions*

          *STREAM A: The Emerging "New Central Europe"*
          Themes:   Our Changing World
                    Central Europe: A Search for a New Identity
                    Reconstruction  of   Central  Europe:  Problems   and
                    Migration and Refugee Problems          *STREAM B: Environme
          Themes:   Environment and Society in a Geographic Perspective
                    Society and Landscape, Landscape Ecology
                    Geography and Nature Conservation
                    Environmental Policies, Planning and Management
          *STREAM C: The GIS, Cartographic Systems and Remote Sensing*
          Themes:   Geographic Information Systems in Action
                    Mapping the Environment
                    Remote Sensing for the Environment
          *STREAM D: The Domain of Physical Geography*          Themes:   Genera
                    Dynamic and Engineering Geomorphology
                    Climatic and Hydrological Changes
                    Natural Disasters, Hazards and Risks
          *STREAM E: The Domain of Human and Economic Geography*
          Themes:   Mainstreams of Geographic Thought
                    Environment and Society
                    Economic Restructuring
                    Urban, Regional and Local Restructuring
          *STREAM F: Geographic and Environmental Education*          Themes:
                    Becoming Aware
                    Becoming Professional
                    Public Awareness Upgrading

          The Conference will  take place in Prague's Palace of  Culture,
          a  major  convention  facility  providing  a  large  number  of
          meeting rooms,  an extensive exhibition area  and state of  the
          the metro  line  just  a few  stops from  the  city centre  and
          provides a fascinating panoramic view of Prague.

          A variety  of lodging  opportunities close to  the city  centre
          will   be  offered,   ranging  from   rather  inexpensive   but
          comfortable modern student  hostels (up to 30 USD) through  mid
          category hotels (circa 70-90 USD) up to luxury  hotels (150 and
          more USD)  in Prague's  outstanding locations. Please  indicate
          interested in.

          *Languages*          English  and French  will be the  Conference offi
          used  during  all  formal  parts   of  the  programme   without

          Three types  of excursions will be  scheduled prior to,  during
          and  after  the  Conference.  These  excursions  are  meant  to
          provide participants  with a  balanced opportunity to  discover
          by themselves  the beauties and problems  of Prague, the  Czech
          Republic, Slovakia  and other parts  of Central  Europe. Longer
          more  complex,  combining  scientific  elements   (prepared  in
          cooperation with  geographic and  environmental departments  of
          the concerned regions) with more  general views, while  shorter
          (1-2  days)  ones  will  be more  specifically  geared  towards
          Conference-relevant issues (environment, border  effects, urban
          development,  protected  areas etc.).  Local  short  excursions
          will be organized during the  Conference for both  participants
          and accompanying persons.
          Due to  the Palace of Culture  extensive exhibition area,  both
          commercial and non-commercial  exhibitions are planned, and all
          institutions   concerned,   university  departments,   research
          institutes,  publishers,  companies,  industries  et   al.  are
          welcome  to   indicate  their  interest   in  taking   part  in
          exhibition activities.

          *Social programme*
          A  variety of  social events  for both  Conference participants
          guided  tours  of  Prague  and  its   surroundings,  "steamboat
          parties"  on  the Vltava  river,  concerts  in Prague's  famous
          medieval gardens, pantomime  performances as  well as  meetings
          with politicians in informal round-table discussions.

          *Registration fee*
          The  estimated  registration  fee  (not  including  excursions,
          charged social events, accomodation and food) is  280 USD. Late
          payments and  on site registrations will  be charged circa  330
          rate. A  system of grants will  encourage the participation  of
          students  and  seniors, as  well  as  potential delegates  from
          developing countries and "countries in transition".

          *Organization and Secretariat*
               The  Conference is  organized by  the Faculty  of Science,
          Charles University  of  Prague,  under  the  patronage  of  the
          University   and  in   cooperation  with  a   number  of  other
          institutions.  The Conference  Organizing Committee,  nominated
          bodies  has been  carrying out  preparatory task  for over  two
          years.  Main  geographic departments  from both  the  Czech and
          Slovak  Republics are represented in  the Organizing Committee,
          which  is chaired  by  Dr. Jan  Kara. Domestic  organizers  are
          significantly   supported  by   the   International   Programme
          Committee   composed   of  Central   European   countries   IGU
          representatives and of other renowned scholars.

               The coordinates of the Conference Secretariat are:

          *IGU RC 1994*
          *Albertov 6, 128 43  PRAHA 2*
          *C Z E C H   R E P U B L I C*          *Phone: +42-2-24912060 (+42-2-2
          *Telefax: +42-2-24915817 (+42-2-296025)*
          *E-mail: KUCERA at PRFDEC.NATUR.CUNI.CZ*

               Detailed   information   will  be   included   in   second
          Conference circular to be distributed in the end of 1993.

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