High resolution output from a frame with multiple windows

W. Fredrick Limp fred at cast.uark.edu
Sun Sep 26 11:55:04 EDT 1993

Baker writes:> 
> Ron Thomas suggests using xv or pbmplus to generate high resolution
> output from a frame with multiple windows.  I have both programs.  The
> problem is that to get from the GRASS X-window display of a complex frame
> to some other program (e.g., xv) one has no choice but to "capture" what
> is displayed in the X-window?  If so, then the captured frame can never
> be captured at a resolution greater than maximum screen resolution (e.g.,
> 1152 X 900 on the Sun).  xv may be able to "stretch" this to some other
> resolution, but the stretched image won't contain any more "information"
> than was captured (i.e., no greater than 1152 X 900).  Thus output to
> a printer will contain no more information than was captured (printed
> 6" high this is about 150 d.p.i., much less than a laserjet can do).

There are a number of Motif window managers that allow the definition
of large virtual screens through which the user can pan and roam and that
are much larger than the physical screen.  I suspect that you could
use one of these create a complex virtual screen, capture the
whole thing and get what would be a "high resolution" image for the
output. I don't have the ftp locations or names for these but I do
know they exist.  I think there is a commercial one from xli also.
If you do move in this direction mo' memory is good! 
This is obviously a kludge and demonstrates the need for improved
graphics output in GRASS.  Rumor has it that there may be some
low cost commercial addons to GRASS that will help in this area but
they are still, as far as I know, rumors at this date.
W. Fredrick Limp,   Director                     FAX: (501) 575-3846
CAST, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies   TEL: (501) 575-6159     
12 Ozark Hall, University of Arkansas         
Fayetteville AR 72701                             fred at cast.uark.edu 

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