References - orthorectification & stereo extraction of DEMs

Mikael Holm holm at
Wed Apr 6 01:01:12 EDT 1994

On Tue, 5 Apr 1994 hardis at wrote:

> I would like to learn more about orthorectification of imagery
> and extraction of digital elevation models from stereo imagery.
> Can anyone recommend good references for both of these topics?
> Thanks,
> Ken Hardis
> Visual Systems Scientist
> Insitute for Simulation & Training/
>    Visual Systems Lab
> University of Central Florida
> E-mail - hardis at
> Phone  - 407/658-5511
> ________________________________________________________________
> Ken Hardis           Institute for Simulation & Training      
>                      Visual Systems Lab                       
>                      hardis at , (407) 658-5511
> ________________________________________________________________

Hi Ken,

If you want to do both orthorectification of imagery and extraction of
digital elevation models in one step, and/or if you want good results then
you should use "Global image matching". Since you are in Florida I can
recommend you this one:

Ebner, H., Heipke, C. & Holm, M. 1993. Global image matching and surface
reconstruction in object space using aerial images.
In: Barrett, E.B., McKeown, D.M. Jr (eds.) Integrating photogrammetric
techniques with scene analysis and machine vision.
Proceedings of SPIE'93 conference, Orlando, Florida, 14-15 April 1993.
Vol. 1944, pp. 44-57. ISBN 0-8194-1180-9.

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