representing geology with rasters?
Andreas Holz
holz at
Fri Apr 8 04:26:40 EDT 1994
as I mailed to You yesterday, there have been several effords
to connect a groundwater-model to a GIS, esp. GRASS. E.g.
look at:
J. Fuerst: Decision Support Systeme fuer die Grund-
wasserwirtschaft unter Verwendung geographischer
Informationssysteme. - Wiener Mitteilungen Wasser,
Abwasser, Gewaesser, Band 93, 1990.
Here some Informations from this paper (excuse me, there are
sometimes Informations of value in GERMAN!) about the representation
of in- and outputdata for the groundwater-model MODFLOW:
Daten Representation in GRASS
(data for GW-model)
Fluesse Geometrie Grundriss als GRASS Vektorkarte
Hoehe (Laengsschnitt) Folge von (x,y,z) als 3D Ergaenzung
zur Vektorkarte
Fluesse Hydrologie Pegelganglinien in Zeitreihendatenbank
Extreme Spiegellinien Grundriss + Folge von (x,y,z)
Aquiferparameter GRASS Punktkarte (x,y,par)
Oberflaechenmodell GRASS Rasterkarte
Grundwasserneubildung GRASS Polygonkarte oder Rasterkarte
Landnutzung GRASS Polygonkarte oder Rasterkarte
Rdnder GRASS Vektorkarte
Lage von Grundwasser- GRASS Punktekarte (x,y,id)
Entnahmebrunnen wie Messstellen
Draenagen wie Fluesse
FD Grundwassermodell
Geometrie Ausschnitt u. Aufloesung als GRASS Fenster
Aquiferparameter GRASS Rasterkarte
Anfangsspiegel GRASS Rasterkarte
Optionen Liste als Textdatei
Berechnete Spiegellagen GRASS Rasterkarte
In this article a connection of GRASS 3.0 to MODFLOW using XGEN-scripts
is presented.
If You think about a connection of GRASS with groundwater-models
think about the following:
1) GRASS raster layers are rectangular, so You can
use them only for finite-difference models.
2) GRASS has no real 3D capabilities. You can simulate
different layers of a groundwater-model with
several connected raster-layers.
3) I think, via voronoi- or delaunay-triangulation modules
in GRASS You can prepare a mesh for a FEA-groundwater-
model, but You can generate 2D-meshes only. There are
no volume-meshing routines.
I4m currently developing routines for 2D and 3D mesh generation
with triangular and rectangular elements for FE-modelling, primary
not for the use with groundwater-models, but for FE-modelling in
Geology. But I4m also interested in gw-models and their connection
to GRASS, so I will implement this mesh-generator in GRASS soon.
P.s.: To all users of GRASS or GIS and groundater-models:
- wich groundwater-model are You using?
- wich pre- and postprocessor are You using?
- is You gw-model connected to Your GIS?
- do You want to share Your experiences?
- do You want to develop a standard interface from
GRASS to Your favourite gw-model?
Dipl. Geol. Andreas Holz e-mail: asholz at
Institut fuer Geologie und Mineralogie
Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Schlossgarten 5
91054 Erlangen
currently to get my doctors degree at
SIEMENS AG e-mail: holz at
PO BOX 3220
91050 Erlangen
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