XDRIVER problems on HP 9000/710

Peter Mikes mikes at angmar.llnl.gov
Mon Apr 11 12:48:01 EDT 1994

The question (of the compile FAQ type) was :

I get message : ./includes.h: 9: Can't find include file X11/Xos.h, when compiling an X application.

The answer is: 

   In the header file, created by the initial questionare, you did not give location of your
   X includes . (this is apparent from the cc line you gice, namely

  cc -D_NO_PROTO -I/npi/grass4.1/source/src/include -DUSE_TERMIO -c  SWITCHER.c )

  To correct this, you may 1) find location of your X-includes
                           2) edit your header file to point to them

      re 1) 
oberon 21: fastfind X11/Xos.h
oberon 22: 
            shows 	 have two posibilities in this HP machine, I pick one :/usr/include/

       re 2) 
Go to your header file in directory $GRASS_HOME//src/CMD/head and edit line which starts as

XINCPATH            = -I/usr/openwin/share/include

  to point to your X-includes, in exapmple above I would make it to be :

XINCPATH            = -I/usr/contrib/mitX11R5/include

       then restart compilation process

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