Mapgen Confusion

Jill Schuler jschuler at
Wed Apr 13 15:10:37 EDT 1994

MAPGEN RELEASE CONFUSION *************************************

I had hopes that the README file under the mapgen/SCS directory
would clear up a little of the confusion over the various proj
directories for SCS GRASS/MAPGEN Release 4.11 source.  Part of this
confusion is a result of the proj code being used in GRASS for the
projection libraries "Gprojlibs" and also for the GRASS/MAPGEN
Interface's proj command.

GRASS 4.1 RELEASE *************************************
The modified proj.4.0.5 source code was used in GRASS and can be
found under the 4.1/src/libes/proj directory.  CERL chose to
translate this proj code using the K&R C code and named the proj
version 4.5.  However, this code was used primarily to build the
projection libraries for the v.proj and other commands in GRASS.

SCS GRASS 4.11 and GRASS/MAPGEN 4.11 RELEASE ********************

The 4.11 release was based on a beta proj release (version 4.0.5). 
The 4.0.5 proj source can be found under
4.1/src.related/mapgen/proj.4.5 (NOTE: as of 11/93 directory
deleted and replaced with proj4.2.2).  Proj directory
4.1/src.related/mapgen/proj.4.6 is also a beta proj release (NOTE:
as of 11/93 directory deleted and replaced with proj4.2.2).  

For MAPGEN and the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface, GNU's ANSI C compiler
"gcc" was used to mirror the USGS proj release for the sun platform
using proj beta release 4.0.5.

SCS GRASS 4.12 and GRASS/MAPGEN 4.12 RELEASE **********************

The 4.12 release is based on proj release 4.2.2 (93/03/11 GIE REL).
For MAPGEN and the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface, GNU's ANSI C compiler
"gcc" was used to mirror the USGS proj release.

This release was sent to CERL sometime in November, and should
replace the earlier GRASS/MAPGEN version on the "moon".  The SCS
4.12 release for MAPGEN is stored on the "moon" as mapgen.tar.Z
under the /grass/grass4.1/updates directory.  The README file on
the "moon" still refers to this as 4.11.  The proj 4.2.2 source
code can be found under the 4.1/src.related/mapgen/proj directory. 

The multiple proj directories found with release 4.11 (i.e.,
proj4.5 and proj4.6) should not exist in this update release.  To
avoid confusion over future updates, the USGS version number will
be appended to each directory name (i.e., proj4.3.0, mapgen4.0,
graphics4.7, etc.).  This change will become effective with SCS
update release 4.13.

The proj4.2.2 code is also used to build the projection libraries
"Gprojlibs" for the v.proj command in the SCS GRASS 4.12 release.
The SCS-GRASS 4.12 binary release replaced the K&R CERL proj code
with USGS proj.4.2.2 source code.  In SCS source code proj4.2.2 can be
found under the 4.1/src/libes/proj directory.  The SCS proj version
is compatible with ANSI C and GNU's "gcc" was used to build the
proj libraries.

SCS GRASS and GRASS/MAPGEN 4.13 RELEASE *************************

The 4.13 release is based on proj release 4.3.0 (94/02/23 GIE REL).
For MAPGEN and the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface, GNU's ANSI C compiler
"gcc" is used to mirror the USGS proj release.  The proj change is
compatible with the GRASS/MAPGEN INTERFACE released in version
4.12.  Proj release 4.3.0 can be found under the
4.1/src.related/mapgen/PROJ.4.3.0 directory and also under the
4.1/src.contrib/SCS/libes/proj directory.

The 4.13 SCS release incorporates the nad2nad datum conversion
routine in the v.proj command and other bug fixes in GRASS.  Other
value added enhancements were made to the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface. 
The 4.13 SCS release should appear on the "moon" sometime in May.

A PREVIEW to some of the changes to the GRASS/MAPGEN Interface:

The sites_geo file structure was modified to allow rotation,
justification, xoffset, yoffset, and text size to be entered on
each line.  If present, the make.label command will read the added
information and alter the default options.  This will give the
user greater flexibility in text manipulation and make text
placement easier.

to make editing the sites_geo file information easier, an edit 
flag option was added to the make.label command.  When set, the 
generated overlay will carry the label and line number of each 
label point in the sites_geo file.

edit.geosites is a companion command developed to facilitate
label positioning.  This command will correctly modify the 
sites_geo information adding the new options (i.e.,  rotation,
justification etc.).

make.line and redo.line have an UPDATE option added to re-generate
the dig_geo file.  A command line argument was also added to flag
a line layer for updating (i.e., make.line -y layername).

make.symline and redo.symline were added in release 4.12 and
enhanced in version 4.13.  These commands give the user the ability
to easily generate lines composed of symbol patterns (i.e.,
Railroads, Pipelines, power lines, etc.).  

make.blank adds the USGS blanking option which cuts out 
windows in overlay files.  This command works with xzoom.

MAKE.GRID.CM constructs a user defined centimeter grid

DIGIT.TO.MISC converts an xzoom format digit file into an interface
structure file and processes an overlay.

GEO.TO.ASCII converts a binary dig_geo file into an ascii file.

a new symbol font called sssym is available.

Other enhancements made to the Interface are specific to SCS needs.


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Jill R. Schuler
USDA Soil Conservation Service
National Cartography and GIS Center
P.O. Box 6567
Ft. Worth, TX 76115
Phone: (817) 334-5559 x3086
e-mail: jschuler at

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