r.mapcalc question. Please help.

Rick Thompson rick at cast.uark.edu
Thu Apr 14 12:28:03 EDT 1994

This script may help. Give it execute permission: chmod 755 filename.
echo ''
echo -n 'Enter the name for file1: '
read file1
echo -n 'Enter the name for file2: '
read file2
echo -n 'Enter the name for file3: '
read file3
echo ''
echo 'Enter an output file name: '
read output
r.mapcalc $output = 'if(file1,1,if(file2,2,if(file3,3)))'
r.reclass in=$output out=$output2 << EOF
1 = 1 area from $file1 category 1 Roads
2 = 2 area from $file2 category 2 Wells
3 = 3 area from $file3 category 3 Houses
Rick Thompson-   Research Assistant           E-mail: rick at cast.uark.edu
Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies      Telephone: (501) 575-5736
Ozark Hall Rm. 12                             Fax: 575-3846 
University of Arkansas              
Fayetteville, AR 72701

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