altek 90c

Gordie Swartzman gordie at
Fri Apr 15 13:29:43 EDT 1994

	We have an older Altek digitizer; an Altek 90C. We want to hook this up
to grass to serve as a digitizing driver. We have both Sparc-10 and Sparc-2 
boxes with grass running. When I looked in the digitizer section I noticed in
README files information about changing pins for AC-30 and AC-40 drivers.
So I am confused. Will the grass altek digitizer driver work for the 90C?
Do I have to dink around with the pin connections to make it work? Does anyone
have one of these older Alteks connected to a sun? I'd appreciate any advice or information you can give me.
		gordie swartzman
		fisheries and applied physics lab
		U of Washington.

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