r.buffer problem/musing

Ronald Thomas ront at niwot.CFNR.ColoState.EDU
Mon Apr 18 08:55:09 EDT 1994

In article <199404152148.AA08545 at zorro.cecer.army.mil> you write:
>Does anyone see a need for this capability within the r.buffer command ?  
>Is or has anyone worked on this before ? 

I see a great need for this!  Even the simple PC based GIS pMAP (by Berry,
et.al) develops its buffers this way. It even develops LABELS that are
relevant and descriptive.

Ronald Thomas                                ront at meeker.cfnr.colostate.edu
 Natural Resource Spec. (GIS)         ^^^    Phone: 303-586-1285
  Resources Management Division  ^^  ^^^^^   FAX: 303-586-1310
   Rocky Mountain National Park ^^^ ^^^^^^^  Estes Park, CO  80517

P.S.: While we're "voting", I agree with the gent who thinks that GRASS
should support as many projections as possible.  There is that great
OPEN-GIS projection program, (PROJx.x (?)), which supports about every view of
the world (except for those held by leftover 60's radicals, but that's another
story).  Shouldn't this existing work be integrated into GRASS more fully?

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