Looking for a database program

Susan Huse sue at ced.berkeley.edu
Thu Apr 21 17:40:31 EDT 1994

> From grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil Thu Apr 21 14:29:17 1994
> Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 11:14:59 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Looking for a database program
> Sender: grass-lists-owner at max.cecer.army.mil
> Reply-To: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
> To: grassu-list at max.cecer.army.mil
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> Hi Grass-users!
> I'm desperately looking for a database to handle some of the load 
> of site and vector data.  Especially for reclassing different
> databases to my catagory format.
> Can anyone suggest a free database that would work.
> kym lenkus
> Davidson Laboratory

I have put written a database, gdbase, for use with GRASS that could be
helpful and it is free.  It's main purpose is to reclass maps (raster,
vector or sites) based on logical queries to database files.  It
requires the public domain version of awk: gawk.

It is available by anonymous ftp at

That includes an extensive readme file on query syntax and database
formatting.  If you have any questions you can write me directly,
sue at ced.berkeley.edu

Sue Huse
UC Berkeley

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