r.le revision planning
BAKERWL at uwyo.edu
BAKERWL at uwyo.edu
Thu Apr 21 20:08:57 EDT 1994
I'm nearing the point, in the next month, when I have a little time to
spend getting the r.le programs (for landscape ecological analyses of
GRASS maps) updated with various minor bug fixes and improvements. If
I can, I would like to have a version 2.1 done by late June, which would
be the first post-beta version.
I have a list of suggestions for improvements and some bugs to fix from
some users over the last few months, but I would appreciate any new
ideas and other bugs that have been found.
Major fixes include better memory handling so larger maps with more patches
can be analyzed, a fix for the single pixel (bishop's pattern) problem,
a more bullet-proof query interface, and some additional pixel-by-pixel
measures in r.le.tex.
Please send any ideas or problems to me directly. Thanks.
Bill Baker
bakerwl at uwyo.edu
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