dcx files
martijn at scanner.frw.uva.nl
martijn at scanner.frw.uva.nl
Fri Apr 22 11:14:26 EDT 1994
Hi Ronnie,
some months ago I started converting these files via ASCII to WordPerfect
and am halfway through the layout, but got too busy with other work to
continue that. If you want, I can put what I have on our FTP machine and
you can finish the job...
P. Martijn van Leusen
Institute of Prehistory, University of Amsterdam
martijn at scanner.frw.uva.nl
On Fri, 22 Apr 1994, M.R. Lassche wrote:
> ----------
> X-Sun-Data-Type: text
> X-Sun-Data-Description: text
> X-Sun-Data-Name: text
> X-Sun-Content-Lines: 8
> Hello Grasshoppers, I have a Grass related problem. I have installed LTPlus at our machine and at some place I found manual pages, but these pages are in a format with the extension .dcx. So does somebody know how I can print these manual pages or does somebody has the manual pages in an other format.
> ***********************************************
> * Ronnie Lassche *
> * Department of earth sciences *
> * Free University *
> * Amsterdam *
> * lasm at geo.vu.nl *
> ***********************************************
> ----------
> X-Sun-Data-Type: default
> X-Sun-Data-Description: default
> X-Sun-Data-Name: handtekening
> X-Sun-Content-Lines: 7
> ***********************************************
> * Ronnie Lassche *
> * Department of earth sciences *
> * Free University *
> * Amsterdam *
> * lasm at geo.vu.nl *
> ***********************************************
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