grass/splus linkage routines

ALOBO alobo at
Fri Apr 22 14:03:01 EDT 1994

I've written some Splus functions to import files back and forth but only
with my immediate needs in mind (I mean, not trying to do anything fancy
and general). They are the following: : writes a reclas file to be used in grass. Used to visualize
results of classifications done in Splus. -> writes a cats file to see marginal probabilities for a classifie
binscan -> reads a binary (cell) file (only integer*2 images, 0-255 DN).
binwrite _> to write a Splus image like above and import it to grass as cell.

In general I do two different segments of my work with each software, so
there is not that much linking needed. I've also called grass programs
(like r.buffer) from within Splus functions: is trivial because Splus
has a unix() function to perform any unix command.

Tell me if you need any of these functions


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