Trouble w/ SOLARIS mons

Beau Bush bbush at
Wed Aug 3 11:22:17 EDT 1994

I use SunOS 4.1.3 but I still may be able to help you.  Do a ps -aux or the 
equivalent to list all current processes or jobs.  Find the one that says
something about x0 or whatever the name of your monitor is.  Look at the PID 
for that line then do a kill on that PID.  Ex. kill 1403  That should stop the monitor.  If that doesn't kill it do a kill -9 1403.

Also you may want to look at your grass4.1/locks directory for anything that 
mentions a monitor name and remove it.  But I would try the kill first.

I hope that this will help you.  I have had this happen and it can be 

Beau Bush
Acarology GIS Lab
Dept. of Entomology
Texas A&M University

bbush at


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