dem for Australia

Simon Cox s.cox at
Thu Aug 4 01:17:02 EDT 1994

>Dear GRASS Users,
>Can anyone point me to an ftp site for an Australian dem?
>(Preferably in lat/lon at 5 arc minutes)
>I already have ETOPO5, but there are stripes of missing data
>in N Australia and S. New Guinea.

There is a better one available from AGSO, based on gridding up the gravity
stations.  Last week I visited AGSO (the geological survey) and had a
meeting with
the person who is producing the new DEM - it is based on the gravity
stations suplemented by all the spot heights from the national mapping, and
gridded using Hutchinson's algorithm - it will be at about ? 3 arc-seconds
resolution (from memory).  However, the agencies involved (AGSO and AUSLIG)
have a cost recovery requirement imposed by the federal government, so when
this becomes available it will cost real $$.  Not their choice, so no flames.

 You guys in the US probably don't realise how lucky you are with the US
policy of cost-of-reproduction.  I am involved in several cooperative
projects with the peopls who are custodians of various datasets, and even I
have to sign contracts, non-transfer/disclosure agreements, etc, and they
get a $ credit for any data that I use.

SO, for the moment, etopo5 is about all that is available.

Regards         Simon Cox

Dr Simon Cox                             __  L
CSIRO Div. Exploration & Mining       ,~'  L_|\       Australian
39 Fairway, PO Box 437,            ;-'         \      Geodynamics
Nedlands, WA  6009,  Australia     (            \     Cooperative
      Phone +61 9 389 8421         +    ___     /     Research
      Fax   +61 9 389 1906          L~~'   "\__/      Centre
s.cox at                            7

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