
Evan Preston preston at malibu.dst.battelle.org
Thu Aug 4 13:28:39 EDT 1994

Hello Philip!

I saw your reply on the grass bulliten board and I have a related question.

I have several grass dig files that I only want to dissolve the borders (to
make the display look better).  I ran v.support, followed by v.reclass (I could
not run v.extract because I could not find the code to compile libvect.a).  The
results showed only a subset of the original features.

The file I tried was from the DLG transportation layer, contining railroads.  
The dig files had only two categories: 201 and 208.  I used the following

	cat rules | v.reclass -d type=line input=infile output=outfile

where the rules file contained:

	0 = 0
	201 = 201
	208 = 208

Like I said it appears that only some of the vector information was "reclassed".

If you have any thoughts on this subject, I would appreciate a reply.

Thanks in advance!


#     Evan B. Preston                            # Battelle                    #
#     phone:     614.424.3983                    # National Security Division  #
#     fax:       614.424.3776                    # 505 King Ave.               #
#     internet:  preston at malibu.dst.battelle.org # Columbus, Ohio  43201       #

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