(static) xgen binary for Solaris 2.3

Jim Pirzyk pirzyk at cerl.cecer.army.mil
Mon Aug 15 08:38:39 EDT 1994

> Does anyone know where I can find an xgen binary for Solaris 2.3
> (Geo-EAS uses it)? I see that it's in the binary dist for GRASS on
> Solaris, but I'd like to get this monster without also dealing with
> ~50MB of other stuff.  (compilation fails miserably with several
> thousand lines of warnings).

I put a copy of it on the moon (/grass/incoming/xgen.sol2.static)

- Jim 
[Jim] pirzyk at uiuc.edu -------------------------------------------      __o
TAC & GrassNet System Administrator, US Army Corps of Engineers      _'\<,_
Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, Champaign IL USA    (*)/ (*)

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