source vs binary

Ry Jones rjones at
Thu Aug 18 18:46:33 EDT 1994

>i would really appreciate some help on these two wuestions:
>1) as suggested by many of you i ftp'd GohstView in the form
>   of the file here is the rub, what is a zip file?
>   I have tried moving the file to DOS and using PKUNZIP, which
>   is the only thing i could think of, but PKUNZIP dosen't
>   know what to do with the expanded files (litteraly) so it
>   aborts.  any thoughts (i didnt use UNCOMPRESS because its not
>   a .Z file)

I would suggest grabbing the latest pkzip, pkz204g.exe wherever it is 
available to you.

rjones at			       OG+GOT;
GCS/S/O: d? -p+ @c++++ l+(+++) u+++++ e+(*) @*m-(----) 
         s++/++ n--- h--- f+ g+ w++++ t r- x+
     Help! I'm a hostage of the US Postal Service!

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