No subject

kilee at CC.UManitoba.CA kilee at CC.UManitoba.CA
Fri Aug 19 11:29:28 EDT 1994

Dear GRASSusers ,

I have a question about using v.digit.
At the following menu, are all lines converted into Area edges ?
Is right ?

 GRASS-DIGIT Version  4.10                                        Main menu  |
| MAP INFORMATION                                | AMOUNT DIGITIZED           |
|   Name:         miner.dxf                      |   # Lines:           0     |
|   Scale:        2400                           |   # Area edges:    232     |
|   Person:       kilee                          |   # Sites:           0      |
|   Dig. Thresh.: 0.0300 in.                     | - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
|   Map Thresh.:  1.8288 meters                  |   Total points:    1388    |
|                                                |                            |
| OPTIONS:                                       |   

However, at Label areas command in v.digit, " Areas is not defined message"
is shown, and labelling always failed. What the problem in this process ?  
My purpose of this procedure is to convert vector( with several areas )-based file
to raster-based file, and original vector file was digitized from dxf format of Autocad. 
Looking for advice.
Thanks in advance.

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