thresholding in GRASS

Lesley-Ann Dupigny dupigny at
Wed Aug 24 15:37:34 EDT 1994

Hello GRASS Users

A few months ago, I had a question about thresholding in GRASS using 
r.mapcalc and I received several replies of the form

r.mapcalc output = if (input >= var1 && input <= var2, (a-input)/b,0) 

I would now like to separate the input into 2 distinct ranges and apply 2 
formulae, e.g. 

	for input lying between 110 and 140,  apply a + bx
	for input lying between 160 and 200   apply c + dx

I thought of generating two layers with r.mapcalc, one for each of the 
conditions above, and then combining them with r.combine. Do you know if 
it is possible to put both conditions into one r.mapcalc statement, 
thereby saving that intermediary step?

Looking forward to any suggestion.

Lesley-Ann Dupigny.

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