hydrogis '96

Bernd Hebel hebel at ecn.purdue.edu
Mon Aug 29 11:15:04 EDT 1994


Call for papers and provisional registration (first circular, July 1994)

- - -  H Y D R O G I S  '9 6  - - -

International Conference on


Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 1996

Jointly organized by
- Institut fuer Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und konstruktiven Wasserbau, 
  Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.

- International Commission on Groundwater (ICGW), of the International 
  Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).

- International Committee on Remote Sensing and Data Transmission (ICRSDT), 
  of IAHS.

Objectives and Scope:
This conference is a follow-up to the successful conference HydroGIS'93, held 
in Vienna 1993 (IAHS Proceedings volume no. 211). The objective of HydroGIS'96 
is to exchange experiences in the application of GIS and to identify research 
needs with respect to the specific requirements of hydrology and water 
resources. The conference will provide a forum for identifying the benefits 
and needs in application of GIS in the water-related research and decision-
making field. Contributions are solicited from the fields of groundwater 
hydrology, surface water hydrology, agrohydrology, ecohydrology etc. The 
ultimate aim is to help participants determine critical factors in their 
evaluation of applicability and benefit of GIS for own field of work.

In the last few years, various GIS meetings were held and the majority of the 
topics was addressed in the field of regional planning, geography and geodesy. 
Although these experiences are quite valuable for hydrologists and water 
resources systems engineers, additional specific requirements should be 
considered for water-related applications. This includes:

- integration of temporal and spatial data
- integration of vector and raster data
- three-dimensional data structures
- data requirements for GIS based hydrological modelling
- GIS standards development

- hydrological requirements for spatial analysis and interpolation
- coupling and/or integration of GIS with hydrological models
- application of GIS in hydrological modelling
- application of GIS in remote sensing

- software tools to generate user friendly interfaces, considering 
  hydrological requirements
- application of GIS in water resources decision making
- visualization techniques and human perception
- multi-media and GIS in hydrology and water resources management

Contributions should address the software aspects, applications, hardware 
requirements (output and documentation), standardization and research 
requirements. Especially welcome is the work on the hydrological modelling 
aspects in relation to GIS, both relating to the development of the simulation
software and application of models in practice. Also welcomc are case studies 
which should include problem identification, process description and 
application of GIS.

The preliminary conference sessions are:
- Digital Terrain Models and GIS
- Application of GIS in Three and Four Dimensional Problems
- GIS Functions and Hydrological Modelling
- Methodological Aspects
- Coupling GIS with Hydrological Models
- Remote Sensing and GIS
- Application of GIS in Water and Environmental Management
- Application of GIS in Surface Water Systems
- Application of GIS in Groundwater Systems
- GIS in Relation to Decision Support and Expert Systems

Call for Papers
Participants intending to present a paper are requested to send a l to 2 page 
abstract in English to the Conference Secretariat. Abstract should include the 
full address (also phone and fax) of the corresponding author. The abstract 
should be received by 28 February 1995. Authors will be notified of acceptance 
by 30 April 1995. Authors of accepted contribution will be invited to submit 
a camera-ready manuscript which will be published prior to the conference in 
IAHS Proceedings volume. In addition to oral presentations, a number of poster 
sessions will be held.

Important Deadlines:
February 28, 1995: Receipt of abstracts
April 30, 1995:   Author notification of accepted abstracts
September 15, 1995: Submission of papers

Registration Fee:
The registration fee will be about US$ 450, which will provide a copy of the 
proceedings, refreshments, lunches and conference social events. The 
registration fee will not cover the hotel expenses and remaining meals.

HydroGIS '96 
c/o Austropa-Interconvention 
P.O. Box 30 
A-1043 Vienna - Austria

telephone +43 (1) 588 00110
fax     +43 (1) 586 71 27

Sponsoring Organizations:
The main sponsor is the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 
(IAHS). Further, the sponsorship is being sought from the following 
- UNESCO, Division of Water Sciences
- International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
- International Ground Water Modeling Center (IGWMC)
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)

In addition, in conjuction with the conference, it is planned to organize an 
indoor Commercial Exhibition of hardware, software and services relating to 
Geographic Information Systems. Also it is intended to organize a Computer 
Workshop for participants, to provide an opportunity for the authors to 
demonstrate their oral and poster presentations on a computer. Those 
interested in a computer demonstration should indicate it on the submitted 
abstract, together with a specification of hardware and software requirements.

Organizing Committee:
H.P. Nachtnebel (chairman),
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur (BOKU), Vienna, Austria

K. Kovar, 
International Commission on Groundwater, IAHS. RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands 

I.A. Johnson, 
International Committee on Remote Sensing and Data Transmission, 
IAHS, Arvada (Colorado), USA 

J. Fuerst, 
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur 

H. Holzmann, 
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur

Scientific Advisory Committee:
The following specialists have been invited to participate on the Scientific 
Advisory Committee:
- G. Barrocu, Cagliari, Italy
- M. Brilly, Ljubljana, Slovenia 
- P.A. Burrough, Utrecht, The Netherlands 
- M.J. Clark, Southampton, UK 
- K. Fedra, Laxenburg, Austria 
- A. Frank, Vienna, Austria
- P. Givone, Lyon, France
- R.B. Grayson, Parkville, Australia 
- S. Kaden, Berlin, Germany
- D.P. Loucks, Ithaca (New York), USA
- D.R. MacDevette, Pretoria, South Africa 
- D.R. Maidment, Austin (Texas), USA
- G.A. Schulz, Bochum, Germany, IAHS/ICRSDT
- M. Shiiba, Kyoto, Japan
- S.P. Simonovic, Winnipeg (Manitoba), Canada

Dipl.Ing. Dr. Josef Fuerst
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur
Institut fuer Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologie und konstruktiven Wasserbau
Nussdorfer Laende 11
A-1190 Wien

Tel: +43 1 3692924 360
Fax: +43 1 3692924 350
E-mail: fuerst at donau.boku.ac.at

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